Confidentiality means that the Mental Health Practitioner (i.e. Therapist, Counselor, Psychologist) has a responsibility to safeguard information obtained during sessions. All identifying information about your assessment and treatment is kept strictly confidential. You would be required to sign a Release of Information Form that dictates by you the details of the allowed information to be released when its becomes therapeutically relevant, and before any information about you is given to anyone, with respect to the below exceptions.
There are situations when all health practitioners, whether medical or mental health, are permitted and/or required to reveal information obtained during therapy to other relevant persons or agencies without client consent. In such situations, practitioners are not required to inform client of his/her actions.
Please note the following exceptions to confidentiality:
• Cases of suspected abuse/neglect of children or the elderly.
• Cases of potential harm to self or others.
• In proceedings brought by a client against a practitioner.
• Cases involving criminal proceedings
• Cases involving legal proceedings affecting the parent-child relationship.
• Cases involving a minor child. In such cases, the mental health practitioner may advise a parent or legal guardian of a minor, with or without minor’s consent, of the treatment needed by or given to the minor. A minor’s age applies to individuals below the official age of 18 according to the Gregorian calendar.
FMCC does not deal with insurance companies directly; however, if a client requests an insurance form fill-out, the client must be aware that insurance and managed care companies may require all or some of the following personal details before reimbursement is considered:
identification information, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment goals, prognosis, evaluation of progress, and other information.
Mental Health Practitioners are required to protect the privacy of client health information. Although client therapy record is the physical property of the Mental Health Practitioner, the client has the right to request a copy of their case report.